Some Kind Of Way
That’s how I’m feeling about the demise of Kindle Vella. I was really hopeful the platform would be amazing, but they certainly blew it. Yes, it’s officially gone now. February was the end of the platform I championed from the […]
the written word of j.e. pittman
That’s how I’m feeling about the demise of Kindle Vella. I was really hopeful the platform would be amazing, but they certainly blew it. Yes, it’s officially gone now. February was the end of the platform I championed from the […]
“Moooooom,” the little boy elongated, “there’s a tree at the door.” His face cherubic as he leaned against the crack in the entry, pressing his chubby cheeks against the edge of the door — sure to leave a mark. These […]
People often ask how I write. Not just the general, how can I be that creative and string that many words together. They genuinely want to know the method behind the madness. First, there isn’t. A method that is. At […]
Picture if you will, an apple. Not a Red Delicious, more of a Gala. Shorter, rounder, shades of red mixed with yellows. There’s a brown stem coming up from it. Do you have it? When I asked you to picture […]
Are you my audience? I have a hard time knowing. That’s one of the first things they recommend when planning your marketing strategy — “Who is your target audience?” I don’t even know what genre to put Felix in. You […]
The first collected volume of the Felix Chance serial is now available on Amazon in print and digital – FREE for Kindle Unlimited subscribers. Luck is his greatest skill… Born on the last day to exist, Felix Chance roves the […]
Glorious news people – I have made my first professional story sale to a short story anthology! My story – Into the Fire – will be included in the upcoming Hidden Villains: Arise anthology due out spring of 2023. The […]
I’ve studied the craft of writing for the last couple of decades and through it all, I’ve learned one salient fact: I’m an odd duck. All the advice I read about writing, the lectures by my favorite authors (and some […]
Recently, I was able to have done something I’ve wanted to do with my writing for a long, long time: have illustrations to accompany the flashes of fiction. This reimagination of the story, told with words, shape, and form, appeared […]
My new story available on Kindle Vella, The True Tales of Elliot Shaw, Adventurer, is my stab at a lighthearted romp through pure imagination. The True Tales of Elliot Shaw, Adventurer People love a good story. A tale to be […]